The mixer module can mix the liquids from three tanks into one reservoir tank for further distribution.
There are three inputs in the mixer simulation model. The inputs connect to discrete valves, which are controlled by a state-graph. Depending on the state of the system the valves open sequentially and fill the input tanks.
The input tanks are connected via three pipe - discrete valve combination into a buffer tank. A pump connects the buffer tank with the mixing or reservoir tank.
From the reservoir tank, the mixed fluids can be purged via a descending pipe - discrete valve combination into the models output.
Mixer module in diagram view
The module mixes three input liquids and stores them into one.
A state graph sequentially waits for all input tanks to be filled, before closing the input valves. The purge valves of the input tanks and the pump are subsequently activated and the fluids are pumped into the reservoir tank.
By varying the opening-time of the input-tank-purge-valves, varying recipes of the resulting compound can be created.
The opening times and levels can be changed in the state graph, by changing the maxVolPercentage
1 // conditions
2 B201_isFull.condition = tank_B201.level >= tank_B201.height * maxVolPercentage;
3 B202_isFull.condition = tank_B202.level >= tank_B202.height * maxVolPercentage;
4 B203_isFull.condition = tank_B203.level >= tank_B203.height * maxVolPercentage;
5 B204_isFull.condition = tank_reservoir.level <= tank_reservoir.height * minVolPercentage;
6 Reservoir_isFull.condition = tank_B203.level <= tank_B203.height * minVolPercentage;
7 B204_isEmpty.condition = tank_B204.level < tank_B204.height * minVolPercentageMixer;
9 // actions
10 valve_in1.open = if time <= 1 then true elseif B201_filling.active then true else false;
11 valve_in2.open = if time <= 1 then true elseif B202_filling.active then true else false;
12 valve_in3.open = if time <= 1 then true elseif B203_filling.active then true else false;
13 valve_V201.open = if time <= 1 then true elseif Reservoir_filling.active then true else false;
Between buffer tank and pump, a leakage, which purges parts of the volume flow into an outer system sink, and a clogging, which induces constriction of the pipe connection, can be induced.
The faults can be induced in the superModel.
Standard parametrization¶
Within the model pump-speed, tank volume, and pipe diameters can be manually adapted, by double-clicking the components. Switch times in the state-graph can be changed by double clicking on the transitions.