Running simulations¶
This page provides a stepwise instruction on how to run simulations in BeRfiPl simulation environment. Berfiple simulation environment can be run, either from terminal by using the Python API, or manually in OMEdit. Both options will be shown here. Additionally the creation of BeRfiPl benchmark will be explained.
Quickrun - Creating BeRfiPl benchmark¶
Depending on your hardware setup, creating BeRfiPl benchmark may take some time. Optionally, you can download the benchmark datasets here
Creating and simulating the BeRfiPl benchmark datasets is easy.
After downloading the repository and installing all dependencies (cf. First Steps), simply navigate to the repository,
activate your conda environment and run
, by typing the following:
(berfiple) $ python
All simulations for creating the benchmark datasets will be run iteratively, distinctly labelled and saved into the ./datasets
To create custom datasets with the simulation models of BeRfiPl read the following pages.