First steps

Running BeRfiPl simulation models requires the installation of OpenModelica and basic Python libraries. The requirements and how to install them is explained on this page.


The requirements to run BeRfiPl comprise:
  • OpenModelica == 3.2.3

  • Python ~= 3.8

  • pandas ~= 1.4.2

  • plotly ~= 5.6.0

You can find the python requirements in the venv_benchmark.yml file.

Installation with Docker

There is a Dockerfile included in the repository. Running the dockerfile creates a Docker container, that includes all required dependencies for running BeRfiPl simulations.

To create the Docker container install Docker on your computer. Then, navigate to the repository within your terminal and run:

$ docker build -t Dockerfile

Manual installation

You can also manually install the dependencies:

To install the Python requirements miniconda is recommended. Install miniconda on your computer and navigate to the repository within your terminal.

Create the environment by running:

$ conda env create -f venv_benchmark.yml

For manually installing OpenModelica please follow the guidelines stated on the official website. Especially for manipulating the models an installation of OMEdit is recommended.